鄭欽文闖入美網32強 關鍵時刻竟忘了比分最終贏得金牌倍感驚喜

2nd round of the US Open, Zheng Qinhua staged a stunning 2-1 comeback against Andreyeva to reach the round of 32. After the match, Zheng Qinhua talked about the game in an interview.

Zheng Qinhua: I started off a bit slow, but gradually found my rhythm with the serves. The feeling of getting into the game today wasn't what I wanted, but I'm glad I managed to hang in there. My opponent had plenty of chances in the second set.

I want to thank the fans for their support. The atmosphere here is amazing, thank you.

When I lost the first set, seeing all the fans supporting me, I told myself to keep fighting even on difficult days. In the deciding game of the first set, I almost forgot that it was 6-6, and was surprised when I realized, "Oh, it's a tiebreaker."

Maybe, as you said, it was too hot today. Enduring the heat, once again, thank you to the fans.

This journey has been unbelievable, an incredible experience. Even now, I'm still pleasantly surprised that I could win a gold medal. I'm happy for the achievements I've made, but now we're on the grounds of the US Open, so let's continue enjoying ourselves in New York.

When I met my father in China, he already had the next plan for me, which is the Grand Slam... that's been a dream of mine since I was 10 years old. Regardless, I don't need him to push me anymore... I have been working hard for my goals. Let's wait and see what happens in the Grand Slam. In the world of tennis, you never know what will happen.
